Our Open Badges

Open Badges are issued to learners who meet the criteria after the e-assessment. This site shows

  1. Our Online Courses
  2. Earning criteria
  3. Evidence or Proof that the recipient met the earning criteria

Combinational Logic Design

Combinational Logic uses a combination of basic logic gates AND, OR and NOT to create complex functions. For each output, the design procedure is:

  1. Derive the truth table.
  2. Simplify the boolean expression using Karnaugh Map (K map).
  3. Draw a logic diagram that represents the simplified Boolean expression. Verify by analysing or simulating the circuit.

Your objective is increase your score in the 3 areas: Truth Table, K Map, and Logic Gates while designing different digital circuits.

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Wiring your first physical breadboard is a frustrating experience. One wrong connection and the circuit does not work. Unfortunately without an experienced instructor by your side, it is difficult to find out where is the mistake. Our breadboard simulator acts as a virtual and patient instructor checking on your every connection.

  1. Learn circuit operation.
  2. Breadboard according to the schematic.

Your objective is to breadboard as many circuits as possible. The more circuits you breadboard using the simulator, the more confident you will be in getting your first physical breadboard connected correctly.

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